7 Surprising Signs You’re Not Getting Enough Protein
Protein is essential for living organisms. It gives us energy, helps our bodies recover, and keeps our tummies satisfied. Protein is composed of long-chain amino acids, which are the building blocks of muscle. Your body produces 11 amino acids and the others—the 9 so-called essentials amino acid — you must consume from food. How would you […]
10 tips for your keto holidays
It’s possible to enjoy holidays and stay on track with the keto diet, without the comfort of your home.  Here are some healthy suggestions and tips that shall do the trick for your next vacation trip. Read the full article of Go-keto to find out five other tips for your keto holidays.  Go-keto is an […]
Childhood obesity: an ever-greater social concern
If in ancient times, being fat was a symbol of wealth and abundance, nowadays, it is a common fact that overweight and obesity may increase the risk of many health problems. Moreover, the subject of childhood obesity is becoming an ever-greater social concern at present. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), childhood obesity is […]
Carb counting lesson #2: Simple and Complex Carbohydrates
If you’re type 2 diabetic you need to get your head around the different types of carbohydrates. We explain here what simple and complex carbs are with examples. For best health and blood sugar regulation, choosing complex carbs is the better choice. But, it’s also important to remember that many complex carbs are still high in overall […]
Gestational diabetes
Gestational diabetes (GDM) is a concern for many expecting mothers and their caregivers. Although temporary, it can have many implications for both the mother and the unborn child. Here’s a summary of two recent scientific articles on the matter to help you better understand this condition. 1. What is gestational diabetes? Gestational diabetes is a […]

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