How to make keto hummus?
Hummus is traditionally made with chickpeas. But remember that chickpeas contain about 61g of carbs per 100g.  Keto dieters can still personalize this vegetarian Mediterranean dish by replacing the chickpeas with zucchini, a low carb alternative with only 3g of carbs per 100g.  Here is how you can prepare your keto hummus: Ingredients you’ll need: […]
Skin Effects of Chemotherapy: Understanding and Mitigating Them
Chemotherapy is an essential weapon in the fight against cancer. However, like  most powerful drugs, it can have side effects. Among the most visible are skin reactions. These reactions are not just aesthetic but can also affect the patient’s quality of life. Understanding Skin Reactions Due to ChemotherapyChemotherapy works by attacking rapidly dividing cancer cells. […]
The Ketogenic Diet for Treating Epilepsy in Pediatrics
How does the treatment generally work? Scientific studies (Kim et al., 2004; Bergqvist et al., 2005) have shown that ketosis can be achieved without fasting, using gradual initiation protocols, reducing side effects. In children, the gradual initiation of the diet is done in the hospital, preferably without initial fasting to avoid the risks of hypoglycemia. […]
What is MCT oil?
When reading about the keto diet, you might have come across the term “MCT” often.  But what is it exactly? It’s a form of healthy fat, which is essential for the keto metabolism.  Remember that fats can be saturated or unsaturated, and they can be further classified into short-chain, medium-chain, and long-chain fatty acids.  MCT […]
How Vegetables Can Help with NASH
Non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) is a type of liver disease that is becoming increasingly common, especially among people who are overweight or have diabetes. NASH is characterized by the accumulation of fat in the liver, which can lead to inflammation and scarring, and eventually liver failure. There is currently no specific treatment for NASH, but recent […]
Looking to Lose Weight Fast?….Think Again
Choosing a quick fix diet to lose weight rapidly may be unsustainable and can lead to a long term unhealthy relationship with food.  Sustained weight loss can come with managing a proper daily calorie deficit, safely increasing your physical activity, reconsidering your carb intake, and getting a good night’s sleep. Read the full article on […]
Five Tips to Successfully Focus on Both Fitness and Nutrition
Combining good nutrition with fitness is necessary to achieve a healthy lifestyle.  Living a healthy lifestyle can mean maintaining a healthy weight, reducing your risk of a chronic disease, becoming more active, and improving your overall health. Whether you are new to fitness, are a fitness enthusiast, or a committed bodybuilder or elite athlete, having […]

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