Low-calorie diet reversed diabetes in half of patients, study finds
A low-calorie diet can reverse type 2 diabetes and save the lives of millions of sufferers of the preventable condition, research suggests. Eating between 825 and 850 calories a day for three to five months put the disease into remission in almost half of patients in a new study, according to the Daily Mail. The Diabetes […]
Looking to Lose Weight Fast?….Think Again
Choosing a quick fix diet to lose weight rapidly may be unsustainable and can lead to a long term unhealthy relationship with food.  Sustained weight loss can come with managing a proper daily calorie deficit, safely increasing your physical activity, reconsidering your carb intake, and getting a good night’s sleep. Read the full article on […]
The Real Deal About Fats and Nutrition
Going back about 20 years, it seemed that the hot buzzword that was on everyone’s lips at that time was ‘fat free’. Back then, fat-free foods were suddenly springing up from nowhere, and was found everywhere. That fat-free trend, in our opinion, was a result of and contributing factor to this collective idea that eating […]
Why reduced-fat foods are making you fat
A whopping 65 percent of people want to reduce the amount of fat in their diets, according to a recent Nielson survey, despite overwhelming research that shows low-fat diets may actually promote weight gain.  So how has this monster of myth lived for so long? Because people still think fat makes them fat, says Donald […]
From MyPyramid to MyPlate – Food Recommendations from Special Interests
In 1992, the USDA sought to convey to Americans what it meant to maintain a healthy diet using a colorful and easy to understand graphic – the food pyramid.  The food pyramid was utilized by schools, government programs (such as the Federal Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program), and various major media outlets to convey the elements of a healthy […]
Nutrition Coalition suggests dietary guidelines made Americans fat
Members of the Nutrition Coalition said Americans followed the government dietary guidelines at the same time obesity burgeoned. One graph supplied by the Nutrition Coalition’s members showed when the government’s dietary recommendations became official in the late 1970s, the obesity epidemic of the American people began and accelerated. Other data showed the public has followed […]