Improve Your Mental Health Through Healthy Dieting
Most people think of dieting as a way to alter one’s physical appearance. However, studies in the field of psychiatry show that dieting can actually have an impact on a person’s psychology as well as their physiology. In this post, we’ll explore the benefits that proper dieting can have on your mental state, and take […]
Top Tips To Boost Your Nutrient Intake Levels
In a previous post, we explored the link between healthy dieting and mental health, as well as listed some of the specific foods and nutrients that have been proven to promote mental health. As a reminder, targeted nutrients that you should include in your diet consumption include : Tryptophan Vitamin C Vitamin A Vitamins B6 […]
The Real Deal About Fats and Nutrition
Going back about 20 years, it seemed that the hot buzzword that was on everyone’s lips at that time was ‘fat free’. Back then, fat-free foods were suddenly springing up from nowhere, and was found everywhere. That fat-free trend, in our opinion, was a result of and contributing factor to this collective idea that eating […]
Carb Counting Methods Explained
There are only 2 different carb counting methods and they are much simpler to use than you think. Let’s go over them together here and clear up any confusion. Read the full article at: This article wisely recommends eating a whole foods anti-inflammatory diet that is lower in carbohydrates.As they say, one key point […]
You could be eating these foods without knowing how harmful they are!
Heart disease is very important as it is the leading cause of death among American: on average, one person dies every 39 seconds, according to recently published data from the American Heart Association.  Discover the foods that you should avoid but also those that are good for you too! With advertising nowadays, we tend to […]
Looking to Lose Weight Fast?….Think Again
Choosing a quick fix diet to lose weight rapidly may be unsustainable and can lead to a long term unhealthy relationship with food.  Sustained weight loss can come with managing a proper daily calorie deficit, safely increasing your physical activity, reconsidering your carb intake, and getting a good night’s sleep. Read the full article on […]
From MyPyramid to MyPlate – Food Recommendations from Special Interests
In 1992, the USDA sought to convey to Americans what it meant to maintain a healthy diet using a colorful and easy to understand graphic – the food pyramid.  The food pyramid was utilized by schools, government programs (such as the Federal Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program), and various major media outlets to convey the elements of a healthy […]
The World Is Getting Fatter and No One Knows How to Stop It
Humanity is putting on weight. Across the globe, in wealthy countries and developing nations, among children and adults, an increasing number of people are overweight or obese. Today, nearly 40 percent of the world’s adults fall into one of those categories, according to new estimates by a global network of researchers called the NCD Risk Factor Collaboration. […]
Nutritional Advice to Fight Against High Blood Pressure
Today 1.1 billion people are affected by hypertension (high blood pressure) globally.  The World Health Organization (WHO) reports that an average of 59.3 million new cases of hypertension are identified each year.  Hypertension is responsible for almost half of deaths caused by heart attack or stroke.  Diet plays a crucial role in the treatment and […]