Controlling blood pressure, sugar, cholesterol linked to lower cardiovascular disease

While controlling blood pressure, blood sugar and LDL-cholesterol levels reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease in people with diabetes, only 7 percent of diabetic participants in three major heart studies had recommended levels of these three factors, according to research from the Heart Disease Prevention Program at the University of California, Irvine School of Medicine.

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Ben Franklin said, « An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. » Heart disease is no exception. According to the Science Daily, the findings illustrate the need for persons with diabetes better manage their blood pressure, blood sugar and LDL-cholesterol levels, which are prime indicators of future cardiovascular disease, and which are modifiable by changes in diet and lifestyle. While taking action now does not guarantee that you’ll never get heart disease (as age is perhaps the strongest risk factor), it does vastly improve your chances of avoiding it or at least delaying it significantly. Balanced nutrition is difficult, yet is the best tool for prevention and maintaining our health.With DietSensor, a click of the sensor before eating , we will know exactly if the food meets the set nutritional goals. It is the first nutritional coaching app to help you better manage chronicle conditions and fitness with a deep understanding of your own habit patterns and advises you accordingly. DietSensor enables its users effortlessly and precisely control the composition and balance of their meals : serve, scan, eat smart! Designed in collaboration with doctors and nutritionists, the application also provides both health and therapeutic support and education referring to validated principles of the profession. 

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