Diabetes Can Kill If Unmanaged

Diabetes is an endocrine disorder that affects 29 million people in the United States.  A recent study in PLoS ONE reported that these individuals are as high as four times more at risk to die as a result of the disorder.  And, eight out of the 29 million cases of diabetes remain undiagnosed (according to the American Diabetes Association).  These startling statistics highlight the need for treatment and management options for individuals with diabetes.

Type 1 and 2 Diabetes

Diabetes is characterized by consistently elevated blood sugar levels caused by either an inability to produce insulin (type 1 diabetes) or insulin resistance (type 2 diabetes).  Insulin is the hormone that regulates blood sugar levels and thus allows the body to utilize the sugar it derives from carbohydrates.  Type 1 diabetes affects approximately 5% of the population and is characterized by insulin production deficits that usually begin in childhood or early adulthood.  The more common type 2 diabetes is progressive in nature and its development is associated with genetic factors, stress, pregnancy (resulting in gestational diabetes), race, and above all, weight.  For this final reason, the American obesity epidemic is often associated with the increase in diabetes diagnoses.

Diabetes Management

Type 2 diabetes can be managed with lifestyle changes that include a properly regulated diet, glucose monitoring, stress reduction, and daily exercise.  Medical adjustments such as pills or injections that counteract insulin resistance can also be utilized to regulate blood sugar levels.

If you need support in counting carbohydrates for insulin, innovative applications like DietSensor can help you to manage your diabetes.  DietSensor is an innovative nutritional tracking tool for chronic disease management, weight loss, and overall health and wellness.   The solution comes with a mobile app and personalized coaching that helps individuals better manage their nutrition by providing accurate and easily accessible nutritional support.  With the mobile app and coach, you can create a personalized nutrition plan comprised of meal plans and targeted macro nutrient intake goals.

Let DietSensor help you eat smart, and stay balanced! 

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