Diabetes Diet : DietSensor Helps You In Creating A Healthy-Eating Plan To Keep Your Blood Sugar Under Control

 A diabetes diet — medically known as medical nutrition therapy (MNT) for diabetes — simply translates into eating a variety of nutritious foods in moderate amounts and sticking to regular mealtimes. At DietSensor, we aims to make life with diabetes easier! And from now on, say goodbye to manual logging. 

Read the full article at: www.mayoclinic.org

DietSensor gives you a deeper understanding of recurring diet setbacks, and helps you recognize and understand your own habit patterns on advising you accordingly. It is the first nutrition coaching app, with an innovative progression chart that gives you comprehensive information on carbs, fat protein, calories, and alcohol levels to provide customize nutritional goals. With DietSensor, you can turn diabetes therapy and logging, a normally tedious chore, into something exciting! A meal plan helps you decide on the kinds of food you can choose to eat at meals and snack times. These patterns can be tailored to an individual’s personal preferences, enabling each one of us to choose the diet that is right for them. 

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