Diabetes Meal Planning: Advanced Carb Counting – is it for all?

If you’re currently using carb counting as a meal-planning method, you’ve probably learned that a little bit of skill is involved. In theory, it seems easy. In reality, it can be tricky. Nevertheless, with practice and perseverance, carb counting is a meal-planning approach that works well.

Read the full article at: www.diabetesselfmanagement.com

With DietSensor, advanced carb counting will be made available for each Type 1 or Type 2 with fast-acting insulin and ready to learn. You need to talk with your dietitian or doctor before, but if you go for it, this form of meal planning offers flexibility and freedom from restrictions. Automatic counting will lessen the amount of effort needed to master it but remember, you are the one in the driver’s seat and you can’t rely on the machine only.

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