Diabetes Self-Management : how to know the Glycemic Index?

Over the past few weeks we’ve looked at several common meal-planning approaches for diabetes management. There are other approaches out there, too, including fat gram counting and the use of sample menus. And chances are, you might use your own approach or a hybrid of approaches. The point is that there is no one right way to plan meals when you have diabetes. In addition, some people follow a vegetarian or vegan plan; others may do best when they limit carbohydrate. I encourage you to think about what makes sense for you, based on your food preferences, lifestyle, and how well you’re meeting your blood sugar, blood pressure, and cholesterol goals. If you need help or have questions, seek the advice of a dietitian.

Read the full article at: www.diabetesselfmanagement.com

Thank’s to the scan, DietSensor will not only help you to choose the best food to manage your diabetes, but we are also working on meal suggestions. Selecting the right menus either at home or at the restaurant to fit your goals is not something obvious. It requires ideas and nutrition knowledge. DietSensor is providing these ideas and this knowledge.  Join the waitlist on http://dietsensor.com/dev 

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