Tag: Lose Weight

How do you know you are in ketosis?
You’ve been wondering if your body has successfully reached ketosis or not? Don’t worry, you’re in the right place!  Learn to recognize some of the common signs and symptoms of ketosis and find tips to deal with the most uncomfortable symptoms. Keto breath: During ketosis, a volatile ketone body (acetone) can escape through your breath, […]
Foods that suit a keto diet
To achieve nutritional ketosis, you should maintain a low intake of carbohydrates (less than 30 grams) daily.  Knowing what to eat will help you succeed in your keto journey.  #1 Low carb vegetables: opt for non-starchy vegetables like asparagus, lettuce, kale, olives, broccoli, tomatoes, spinach, peppers, cabbage, green beans, zucchini, eggplant, cucumber, and cauliflower.  Cookvegetables […]
What is a keto diet?
 A ketogenic diet is a strict low carb diet where most of your calories come from fats.  The macronutrient distribution for this diet consists of 60 to 80% fats, 10 to 15% proteins and less than 10% carbohydrates.  When most of your calories come from carbohydrates, your body converts them into glucose to produce energy, […]
Is Breakfast Protein The Secret To Weight Loss?
According to a new report released by the researchers of the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO), eating more protein at breakfast could help to achieve healthy weight loss. They stated in the report “Protein Balance: New concepts for protein in Weight Management”, that increasing breakfast protein may help control eating during the daily […]
Looking to Lose Weight Fast?….Think Again
Choosing a quick fix diet to lose weight rapidly may be unsustainable and can lead to a long term unhealthy relationship with food.  Sustained weight loss can come with managing a proper daily calorie deficit, safely increasing your physical activity, reconsidering your carb intake, and getting a good night’s sleep. Read the full article on […]
The Importance of Macronutrients in Weight Loss
Counting calories is an important part of making smarter nutritional choices. Dieticians, nutritionists, and fitness experts alike now recommend looking beyond the quantity of calories, and measuring the macronutrients of the food you eat in order to achieve weight loss goals. This is now being called macro dieting. Macro dieting aims to feed the body […]