What is erythritol?

Are you having a hard time fighting sugar cravings while on  a keto diet? Don’t worry, you’re not alone! You can still use natural sweeteners to prepare healthy keto desserts. Erythritol is one of them, and the best part is that it’s 70-80% as sweet as table sugar but has zero calories. Let’s find out how this calorie free sweetener is obtained!

Sugars from fruits such as grapes, pears, melons, and other plants are extracted and mixed with water. The mixture is then fermented with natural cultures. Erythritol is formed during the fermentation phase as a sugar alcohol. Once fermentation is complete, erythritol is filtered out of the mixture, allowed to crystallize, and dried afterwards to form granules.  

The  molecular structure of erythritol allows the body to absorb it without being metabolized, making it calorie free, compared to 4 calories per gram for table sugar. Erythritol is ideal for weight loss and does not give blood sugar spikes in both diabetics and non-diabetics. Unlike most sugar alcohols, erythritol does not produce bloating as it’s not fermented in the gut. 

Read the full article of Go-keto to discover other sugar alternatives. Go-keto is an online boutique which offers a variety of keto friendly foods and supplements that shall accompany you throughout our keto program.

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