Breaking down food myths: Stop demonizing food
Almost every day in the news you hear about a new study coming out either praising or villainizing a type of food – one day your cup of coffee is an indulgent treat and the next day it is associated with protective health benefits. This yo-yoing can cause confusion and may lead you to unnecessarily demonize foods and the nutrients in them.
Why Am I Not Losing Fat?
Training and maintaining a healthy lifestyle can be an all-encompassing way to live. Going to the gym regularly and eating well could be a full-time job in itself. If you’re doing it to lose weight, it can be demotivating to put all the effort in and not seeing it paying dividends. If you’re looking in the mirror or standing on the scales and not seeing your fat deposits melt away, there could be a number of reasons for that. Let’s take a look at why that might be.
Adult Obesity in the United States: The State of Obesity
According to the most recent data, rates of obesity now exceed 35 percent in three states (Arkansas, West Virginia and Mississippi), 22 states have rates above 30 percent, 45 states are above 25 percent, and every state is above 20 percent. Arkansas has the highest adult obesity rate at 35.9 percent, while Colorado has the lowest at 21.3 percent. The data show that 23 of 25 states with the highest rates of obesity are in the South and Midwest.
DietSensor : Food Tips to Prevent, Control and Reverse Diabetes
Diabetes is on the rise, yet most cases are preventable and some can even be reversed. Taking steps to prevent and control diabetes doesn’t mean living in deprivation; it means eating a tasty, balanced diet that will also boost your energy and improve your mood. You don’t have to give up sweets entirely or resign […]
Daily chocolate intake linked to lower risk of diabetes, heart disease
There is some welcome news for chocolate lovers; new research suggests eating chocolate every day may lower the likelihood of diabetes and heart disease